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Driving effective school improvement through education equity

Our proven school improvement processes, with a keen focus on leadership for education equity, deliver effective, measurable and sustainable impact – for schools, districts, charter schools, management organisations and state education departments.

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PRPIL - the alternative route to your initial teaching license in Massachusetts. Earn your initial license in less than 6 months, while you teach, and at a lower cost than other routes.

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Tuning in and Reaching Out - Engaging in authentic social emotional learning

This 40 minute session from Class Measures is designed to develop your understanding of social emotional learning (SEL) techniques. In watching the below interactive Professional Development session,...

Looking for Learning - an evidence-rich, low stakes approach to class observation

Watch presenter Amber Leage demonstrate how to learn and practice a new approach to observation with a focus on students - those that learn best and those that could be learning better. Develop an...

Deepening Our Leadership Feedback – Effective Learning Observations with an English Language Lens

Watch as our Class Measures School Improvement Specialist delivers a recorded interactive Professional Development session designed to help you: Become familiar with the Sheltered Instruction...